Nepal Police Starts Drug Driving Tests To Reduce Drug-Related Accidents,Injuries And Deaths

July 29, 2022
The Metropolitan Traffic Police Division (MTPD) has started a roadside test to determine whether drivers have consumed drugs, including marijuana, brown sugar and other narcotic substances.The drug test measures THC and its by-products, or metabolites. The drug test comes at a time when blood tests have repeatedly found an increase in the number of drivers testing positive for THC and other substances in recent times.Alcohol, or drugs, affects the brain, reducing one's ability to drive safely. The use of prohibited drugs impairs driving ability and increases crash risk. Just like random breath tests for alcohol, you can be pulled over by traffic police officers for a random roadside urine test to detect any presence of relevant drugs. You can also be tested by a police officer if they suspect that you are driving under the influence of drugs.The test which has initially been rolled out for tippers and buses will be expanded to private four-wheelers and two-wheelers too in the near future.
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